Thursday, December 18, 2008
getting ready to hit the road...
Today as the snow was falling I had an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I was sitting in front of the window watching the snow and doing my Christmas cards (yes, but better late than never). I could hear the dryer in the back and all I could think of is how happy I am to be going to be with all of my family for Christmas. It's been years since we've all been together for the holidays and I feel so appreciative that I have such a wonderful family to go home to. I am also grateful for Manuel's family, I have grown to love them all as much as my own. With all the hustle and bustle this time of years brings it was nice to sit in the moment and to feel such excitement I hope your holidays are just as warm and your heart overflows with the joys of the season. This Christmas is about the deeper meaning of the season for my family, Christ may his peace be upon us all now and throughout the new year. I know I'm getting all mushy but I'm just so inspired to have an old fashioned family Christmas and to celebrate the real meaning of this day without all the bells and whistles of years past.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Happy Birthday to the Love of my life....
If only Happy Birthday covered it, if only it said how happy I am to celebrate today. The one day that is dedicated solely to the man I love. I am so blessed to have this man in my life and be his wife. "Know the Lord works wonders for the faithful" Psalm 4:4
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Thank you Mikie sooooo very much for the blogger award, it's a biggie for me because I'm so not computer savy. So the rules are I have to say six things about myself ok here it goes, I'm so used to talking about the kiddos that it's hard for me to talk about myself.
1. My favorite color is red
2. I can't stand to eat liver and onions YUCK, but I like the way it smells while it's cooking
3. I secretly would love to be a team mascot, so I could let the inner dork in me loose and no
one would know it's me.
4. Halloween & Christmas are my favorite holidays
5. I should have named my boys Alvin, Simon & Theodore!!
6. Last but not least I have very strong faith in The Lord:)
1. My favorite color is red
2. I can't stand to eat liver and onions YUCK, but I like the way it smells while it's cooking
3. I secretly would love to be a team mascot, so I could let the inner dork in me loose and no
one would know it's me.
4. Halloween & Christmas are my favorite holidays
5. I should have named my boys Alvin, Simon & Theodore!!
6. Last but not least I have very strong faith in The Lord:)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Arizona's Christmas City...
Me & Laura watching the
Saturday night @ the Courthouse
lighting, the kiddos trying to
take a peak at Santa:)
They boys and the dog waiting
to leave for the fun of the day ahead
Isaac in his cowboy boots
getting ready for the parade
what a hoot!
It's beginning to feel like Christmas finally! Well you wouldn't know it's December with the weather we're having, notice the lack of jackets and mittens at this year's Christmas parade. This weekend was just wonderful. We had some dear friends come from New Mexico to visit us and what a perfect weekend for a visit. This weekend was the kickoff to the holiday season in our little town. We started the weekend off with our friends by all loading up in my car on Friday night, picking up something to eat and then we were off to see the valley of lights. The lights were beautiful they get better and better every year. On Saturday we went to the Christmas parade and then went to the Prescott Resort where the kiddos decorated gingerbread men and then we went to see all the famous gingerbread houses, it's really amazing what people can do with sweets, so creative. Then that night it was off to the Court House lighting, we were late but it was still so beautiful. I love this time of year and I love my little Christmas city.
It's beginning to feel like Christmas finally! Well you wouldn't know it's December with the weather we're having, notice the lack of jackets and mittens at this year's Christmas parade. This weekend was just wonderful. We had some dear friends come from New Mexico to visit us and what a perfect weekend for a visit. This weekend was the kickoff to the holiday season in our little town. We started the weekend off with our friends by all loading up in my car on Friday night, picking up something to eat and then we were off to see the valley of lights. The lights were beautiful they get better and better every year. On Saturday we went to the Christmas parade and then went to the Prescott Resort where the kiddos decorated gingerbread men and then we went to see all the famous gingerbread houses, it's really amazing what people can do with sweets, so creative. Then that night it was off to the Court House lighting, we were late but it was still so beautiful. I love this time of year and I love my little Christmas city.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Turkey Day
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, we sure did. The weather has been grey and cold so I was cooking up a storm in the kitchen I made apple pies, pumpkin pies, hams, potatoes just about everything and I loved it. We spent the day at my mom's house with my family and my grandpa so it was wonderful. Nicolas was just precious he secretly wrote a two page letter about what he was so thankful for this year, he stood up and read it aloud to all of us. The boys all went on a hike through the dells while I stayed back to look over all the sale adds and it took me almost an hour and the funny part is I didn't even plan on shopping today, I usually don't but I just like to see the adds. I'm a procrastinator with my Christmas shopping. Hope all of you are well and have a wonderful weekend, we are off the the Sundogs Hockey game:)
Monday, November 24, 2008
9 years and counting...
What a wonderful day it's been today. Today Manuel and I are celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary. I can say that I am married to the most wonderful, loving, nurturing, compassionate and honest man. All those years ago I was indeed marrying my very best friend. God has brought us down a wonderful path, we've had our ups and our downs but I've learned that every relationship big or small has its seasons. I wouldn't trade what I share with him for the world, we have found a place of acceptance, respect and love and I wish every relationship makes it to that point it really is what marriage is about and makes it all worth it. I want to thank him for making our marriage a priority and for loving me flaws and all (he loves what a dork I can be he is a keeper).
The best news of all today is that my Grandpa is doing great. His tests came back that his tumors are shrinking, actually shrinking I'm so eternally grateful. I guess God is listening to our prayers each day on the way to school, Isaac is so cute he prays for his Grandpa Tony the one who lives "on the phone" every day. He thinks the rest of our family lives in Santa Fe but Grandpa lives on the phone too cute. What an amazing day our family has had. Thank you all again as the cards and gifts are still a daily occurrence in my mail box Love you all:)
The best news of all today is that my Grandpa is doing great. His tests came back that his tumors are shrinking, actually shrinking I'm so eternally grateful. I guess God is listening to our prayers each day on the way to school, Isaac is so cute he prays for his Grandpa Tony the one who lives "on the phone" every day. He thinks the rest of our family lives in Santa Fe but Grandpa lives on the phone too cute. What an amazing day our family has had. Thank you all again as the cards and gifts are still a daily occurrence in my mail box Love you all:)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
We found out some very sad news last night and I ask all of you to pray with me for our dear friends. Our dear friends who had tried very hard to get pregnant for quite a while found out they were expecting not too long ago. Well she delivered ther couple's very first child, a son at 25 weeks, he weighed in at barely a pound. Although small he has been very courageous and strong in his fight for life, small in size huge in spirit. He is now almost three pounds at almost two months old. He has been blessed by miracles everyday, he has defied every odd. The doctor told this beautiful baby's mother yesterday that his brain is not growing, and hasn't grown since birth, while his head (skull) continues to grow his brain isn't developing, there is fluid between the skull and the brain and it is likely he will have cerebral palsy. I ask you to pray for this amazing family, they have been on such a roller coaster full of good days and bad. The baby is in a hospital over 100 miles away from home so there is constant travel. Please pray for baby Drezdin his beautiful mommy and his wonderful dad. Healthy babies are something I've taken for granted until now, I realize how blessed we are. I pray that this mother will soon hold a healthy baby in her arms and in her own home.
P.S The Ronald McDonald House has been allowing the family to stay, the house is across the street from the hospital, I never realized how much they do for families I will now use the donation boxes I see, they are such an amazing group they have provided so much.
Blessed is the man who trusts in The Lord Jeremiah 17:7
P.S The Ronald McDonald House has been allowing the family to stay, the house is across the street from the hospital, I never realized how much they do for families I will now use the donation boxes I see, they are such an amazing group they have provided so much.
Blessed is the man who trusts in The Lord Jeremiah 17:7
Friday, November 21, 2008
Oh what a day...
Nathan lost his
first tooth, yipee
first tooth, yipee
Our little wishbone
What a fun filled day we've had today. I woke up older, but hopefully wiser today and had a great day. It started off with a great work out with Cody whom I just adore, thanks again Dad for the session. Then it was off and running for the rest of the day. Nathan had a Thanksgiving program at school today and he was the wishbone, just adorable. They sang the cutest song about gobble gobble and a wobble wobble, it was at this moment I wish I knew how to put video on my blog but anyway it was great you'll just have to trust me on that one, the pictures just don't do the little wishbone any justice. Then Nathan's darling teacher served us pumpkin pie in her classroom.
Then it was off to the Doctor's office for Nicolas he unfortunately was diagnosed with migraines, I'm so sorry for passing them on, I hope he doesn't suffer near as much as I have. So we have to start a log about them, like when, how often and what he has eaten when they occur and then we may have to see a neurologist I'm hoping that it's something we can take care of by means of diet. It's amazing how much kids health, behavior and so on is influenced by what they eat. That's it I'm moving to a farm and growing my own food, it's so hard to read every box, bottle and container I bring home. Oh and Nathan lost his very first tooth today, he was so excited he's been waiting for a long time for this, all of his friends have already lost several teeth. He's even more excited to have the Tooth Fairy coming over tonight, that's a big deal in our house. The first tooth is worth the most.
Now it's time to celebrate my birthday, we are having cake at my parent's house and then Manuel and I are going out for a drink. What a great day I've had and thank you to all who have called, sent cards & emails I love you all dearly.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Planning Christmas...
For the first time in a long time we are going to be away from home for Christmas. I've been on the Internet all day trying to find a flight for my hubby so he can meet me there on Christmas Eve and then fly out late Christmas Day. I'm sad he won't be able to spend much time with us but I also understand that it's an important time for him to be at work, I'm super excited that I get a Santa Fe Christmas though, and snow would just put the cherry on top for me. I haven't had snow on Christmas since I left SF and came to the dessert. So come on Santa I've been really good this year and all I want for Christmas is my family and a little or a lot of snow and maybe a sled!
With Thanksgiving being next week our little town kicks into overdrive and becomes the cutest little town on the planet. There are huge parades, light parades, caroling, courthouse lighting, valley of lights and the list just keeps going and going. It's during holidays that I really appreciate where I live and how lucky I am to raise my children in a small town. Leaving SF was one of the hardest things I thought, but now I feel it was He who grabbed my shoulders and guided me here, I am blessed in every way and blessed to be here. May the blessing of this coming season surround all of you and all of those you love.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sick Day
How fast the flu can arrive, well I learned all about that yesterday. I was just going about my day had just finished up at Costco when Manuel called that Nicolas was in the nurse's office at school and for me to go and get him right away (Nicolas has Manuel's cell number memorized good boy!). When I got to his school I could barely walk in the office it was so full with sick kiddos. Nicolas was on the cot falling asleep, pale as a sheet and could barely keep his eyes open, far from the kid I had dropped off at school only a few hours earlier. The funny part is he is absolutely fine today hopefully we all stay healthy. Reconsidering getting us all a flu shot, love to all :) Happy Anniversary Laura & Marcos we love you!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
AWANA Annual Derby
Nicolas had sooo much fun, he was so excited to go show off his car. His car did pretty well until the very end. The end was good too though because he got to race his car against one of his best friend's car, so he was sad his car lost but excited that his friend was taking home a trophy. Overall the experience of doing a car with his dad and then getting to race is something I'm sure Nicolas is looking forward to doing again next year.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Bite for you and a bite for me...
Isaac is just too stinking cute! He loves having babies around because he eats their food and then to top it off steals there bottles, mind you he doesn't even take a bottle anymore. He will even drink formula YUCK!! Poor McKenzie only gets about half her food Isaac takes the other, he did the same thing when "Showpeea" was here too. I should reconsider putting him back on baby food it seems to settle his stomach we haven't had any stomach issues this month, (he suffers from outbreaks of c-dif and is probably gluten intolerant).
Last night I had bunko and Manuel was left at home with all the boys to build Nicolas' derby car for AWANA that he will race tonight. When I got home the car was done and it looks great Good Job Manuel! I hope it's fast enough to win, that would just make Nicolas' night even if it doesn't win Manuel and Nicolas still had a great time making it, I will post pics of the big event tomorrow hope everyone is having a great day :)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Better late than never...
Uncle Juke helping Isaac put his
life jacket on the night before
the big fishing day. Oh what fun!
life jacket on the night before
the big fishing day. Oh what fun!
My mom and dad enjoying Gramps
and the wonderful scenery.
Give me a kiss...
Nicolas caught the first fish of the day
Dorky me trying to keep my
balance as the wind picked up.
All of us just enjoying our time
and eachother. Thanks Patty, Juke,
Mitch & Grandpa for the wonderful
Just goofing around with auntie
We LOVE you gramps...
The pictures are from August but I just had to share. This was over Labour Day weekend and we had a ball. We drove straight through to Eagle's Nest which is really close to Angel Fire, New Mexico, to my aunt and uncle's cabin. I had never been so I was super excited. It was really nice spending time all together like that. We had just found out but didn't know the specifics of what was/is wrong with my grandpa so good quality time felt wonderful.
The pictures are from August but I just had to share. This was over Labour Day weekend and we had a ball. We drove straight through to Eagle's Nest which is really close to Angel Fire, New Mexico, to my aunt and uncle's cabin. I had never been so I was super excited. It was really nice spending time all together like that. We had just found out but didn't know the specifics of what was/is wrong with my grandpa so good quality time felt wonderful.
The boys went fishing and caught a ton of fish that we put right on the grill, living out in the desert it's rare to eat something so fresh, it was delicious. The boys had a great time on the boat with uncle Juke, Grandpa, Pa and Mitch. The Lake itself is soo beautiful and the mountains nearby are gorgeous. It was a short trip but a great one, one that left lasting memories for me and the boys ( I know this says nothing about Manuel, he unfortunately had to stay in AZ to work, we missed him, I'm sure he would have loved catching all those fish!)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Being Happier Every Day...
Holy Father please place
your hands on him and heal
him, all for your glory. We
pray in your son's holy
I absolutely love Wednesdays, these are the days I go to bible study and just become a soaked up sponge with the Lord's word. I find so much inspiration, gratitude and love when I study His word. Today I found inspiration in being happy with the little things in life. The first is giving thanks, give thanks for everything big and small and start the moment my eyes open in the morning a positive attitude leads to a beautiful day the second is do unto others, do something for someone else that will make their life a little easier it not only helps them but the doer as well studies show that performing five good deeds a week can significantly elevate your mood "what you give in time or energy, you'll get back in gratitude, third is get involved. I know in this economy it's easier to stay home instead of go out and most often when the economy tanks our relationships do as well and that's a huge mistake. "Two of the top five factors in determining happiness are family relationships and community". So get out there and socialize! And last but not lest in being happier is to choose, choose a healthy happy lifestyle 10% of our well-being is determined by circumstance that means we choose a whole lot of what happens in our life. I hope this brings inspiration I know I left bible study with a new outlook on the day and feeling a sense of power that I can make my day as good as I want it to be. Happy day to all:) Praying always with all prayer (Ephesians 6:18)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Simply Sunday...
Mikie & Her hubby Matt flying a kite in the sunday wind...
my cute dad enjoying his
day off
My wonderful husband
enjoying his boys
trying to keep the kite in
the air and out of the trees
Isaac wanting more Halloween
candy...don't think so the
cute but I said keep the
kite out of the trees...
I love you Manuel
I am superwoman hear me roar!!
What a GREAT day!! What a wonderful weekend! We had my lovely cousin Michaelene & her wonderful family in town and we had a great time. They arrived early friday so we go to go trick or treating together and we hadn't done that in years. We went up to Mount Vernon it wasn't as crazy this year as it has been in years past although I did lose Nathan for about fifteen minutes. So proud of him though he found a Police Officer and told him his name, age and phone number we were happily reunited a few minutes later without many tears. Isaac was a little overwhelmed by the whole thing and was very cranky.
Sunday was great, my day to work nursery and I didn't have a single child other than Isaac so I got to have some alone time with him it was great that doesn't happen all that often a chance to just play, no laundry or cleaning it was great. The rest of the day felt like fall so we stayed close to home and my mom's house just taking in the day. The day ended with a family dinner of posole, red chile, tamales and tortillas a great way to end a week and an even better way to start a whole new one :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
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