Since Easter Isaac has been a busy busy little bee of new activity. He went to the dentist and had his first ever cleaning and check up, all went great. No cavities his teeth are in tip top chewing condition, music to my ears because the rest of the boys have extremely soft teeth and are very cavity prone.
Isaac also started t-ball this past week, and he loves it. And I mean all of it, the bugs, the grass, the clouds making funny shapes in the sky, and I'm not totally convinced he doesn't think it's soccer. I do however see running in his future. Things are going great around here. We've been busy as usual, the boys have about five weeks of school left and the teachers are jamming them with swimming lessons at the YMCA, really cool field trips to meteor crater and some other really cool northern Arizona destinations.
Nick (as he wants to be called now) started baseball too! He is in the minors and I will post pics of his first game soon, he is the pitcher. We are so proud of him. Well that's all for now, hope you all have a blessed week!
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